周臻现阶段的主要研究领域是信息经济学的理论研究以及其在金融中介与银行监管、公司金融、宏观经济等领域的运用。周臻的研究成果发表于经济学领域全球顶级期刊上,例如 American Economic Review,Journal of Economic Theory,Games and Economic Behavior 等。
周臻的研究成果近年来获得了多项国际国内学术和业界奖项,例如第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(著作论文二等奖),中国信息经济学会乌家培资助计划、优秀成果奖、创新成果奖,PwC 3535论坛年度最佳论文等,并主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目。
周臻目前担任中国信息经济学会理事,任中国国际宏观经济学年会(CICM),中国金融学术年会(CFRC),中国博弈论及其应用国际学术会议(CMG-TA)的学术委员会委员,受邀担任 Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Modeling, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Finance, Management Science, Rand Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Financial Studies, 经济学季刊等一流学术期刊的审稿人,并承担 Hong Kong Research Grant Council,国家自然科学基金会的课题评审工作。
2016年5月 纽约大学,经济系,博士学位
2010年6月 清华大学经济管理德州扑克大小
2008年7月 复旦大学经济德州扑克大小
2022年12月至今 德州扑克大小-德州扑克攻略
2016年9月至2022年11月 德州扑克大小-德州扑克攻略
2012年9月至 2016年5月 纽约大学经济系,兼职讲师
Diffusing Coordination Risk, with Deepal Basak (Indiana Kelley), American Economic Review, 110 (1): 271-97.
Disclosure in Epidemics, with Ju Hu (PKU), Journal of Economic Theory, 202, 105469 (Lead Article).
Coordination via Delay: Theory and Experiment, with Wendy Jin (NYU Shanghai) and Adam Brandenburger (NYU Stern), Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 137, January 2023, 23-49.
Informational Feedback between Voting and Speculative Trading, with Bo Wang, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 138, March 2023, 387-406
Panics and Early Warnings, with Deepal Basak (Indiana Kelley), Journal of Political Economy (forthcoming)
关于硅谷银行事件的“另类”启示,与唐纯,清华金融评论,2023年5月, 61-64
Strength v.s. Frequency of the Liquidity Stress Tests, with Deepal Basak (Indiana Kelley) and Mayur Choudhary (LBS)
Systemic Bank Panics in Financial Networks
2024 第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(著作论文二等奖)
2023 2023中国信息经济学会创新成果奖
2023 2023中国信息经济学会乌家培资助计划
2022 普华永道3535论坛年度最佳论文奖
2020 中国信息经济学会优秀成果奖(经济类排名第一)
2010-2015 Henry M. MacCracken Fellowship, NYU
2011 Pass with Distinction in Macro Qualifying examination
2008 复旦大学优秀本科毕业论文
2024-2027 |
国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目(#72322005)“信息设计的理论及应用”(人民币200万) |
2023 |
主持清华大学国家治理与全球治理研究院交办国家高端智库研究任务 “关于妥善处理好金融稳增长和防风险关系的研究” |
清华大学春风基金“重大突发公共卫生事件中政府的信息披露政策研究”(人民币25万) |
2018-2020 |
国家自然科学基金项目(#71703101)“金融市场恐慌与监管政策的实验研究”(人民币19万),合作研究者 |
2014:NYU Financial Economics Workshop, Micro Foundations for Macro Finance Workshop
2015:RES Annual Conference (Manchester), The 10th PHD Meeting of RES (UCL), Annual Conference of SED (Warsaw), NYU Financial Economics Workshop
2016:SAIF, PBCSF Tsinghua, CKGSB, Luxembourg School of Finance, SHUFE, Fudan, Hanqing (RUC), MoFiRWorkshop on Banking (Chicago), Econometric Society North American Meeting (Upenn), Global Games in Ames (Iowa State), Greater China Area Finance Conference (Xiamen), CICF (Xiamen), UECE Lisbon Meetings 2016, UNSW-ADB Conference (Sydney), 2nd Annual Conference Volatility Institute NYU Shanghai (discussant)
2017:CUHK Shenzhen, Frontier of Finance 2017 (London), Econometric Society Asian Meeting (Hong Kong), Tsinghua Macro Workshop (discussant), Tsinghua Finance Workshop (discussant), Applications of Behavioural Economics, and Multiple Equilibrium Models to Macroeconomic Policy Conference (Bank of England), CCER Summer Institute (Yantai), ISB Summer Conference (Hyderabad), FTG Summer meeting on Liquidity in Financial Markets and Insttutions (St Louis), BIS, 9th ECB Network Conference, SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific 2017 (discussant)
2018:PKU-NSD Theory Seminar, Seoul National University, SHUFE Microeconomics Workshop 2018, HKUST, CUEB, Five-Star Finance Workshop 2018 (Beijing)
2019:NYU Shanghai, FTG Summer Meeting (Madrid), CICF (Guangzhou, discussant), Conference on Systemic Risk and Financial Stability (Freiburg), OXFIT 2019, UPF, NUS, Singapore Management University, Fudan FISF, SHUFE Finance, University of Toronto, UW Bothell, Rochester (Simon)
2020:UC Davis, Econometric Society World Congress, NFA (discussant)
2021:AEA, Seminars in Economic Theory (Warwick)
2022:China Fintech Research Conference (discussant), University of Macau, CFRC, Econometric Society Japan/Asian/European Summer Meeting, International Conference of the Stony Brook Game-Theory
2023:Tongji University, SAIF, Junior Banking Theory Brown-Bag (online, scheduled), CUHK-SZ, Wuhan University, China Financial Research Conference, International Conference of Economics and Finance (Zhejiang Univ.), Fudan Workshop on Economic Dynamics, International Conference of the Stony Brook Game-Theory, Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance, Bank of Finland, Antai SJTU (scheduled)
2024:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, CUHK, HKUST/Jinan Macro Workshop, Econometric Society Asian Meeting (Hangzhou), 2024 China Financial Research Conference (discussant), 2024 China Meeting on Game Theory and Its Applications, 2024 ABFER-JFDS Conference on AI and Capital Markets (discussant), Aarhus Workshop on Strategic Interaction in Corporate Finance (discussant), University of Tokyo (scheduled)
2023- 高级金融中介与金融监管(博士高年级),清华大学
2019- 高级金融前沿问题研究(博士高年级),清华大学
2017- 高级微观经济学(博士一年级),清华大学
2016年秋 经济学原理(本科辅修),清华大学
2012-2014 Intermediate Macroeconomics, NYU, TA for Prof. Jaroslav Borovicka
2014年秋 Hedge Fund Strategies, NYU Stern, Teaching Fellow for Prof. Manjiree Jog
2014年秋 Credit Risk and Financial Crisis (Module 3), NYU Stern, Teaching Fellow
2014年夏 Intermediate Microeconomics, NYU, Instructor
2014年夏 Intermediate Macroeconomics, NYU, Instructor
2012年秋 Economic Principles I (Macro), NYU, TA for Prof. Marc Lieberman
2011年秋 Statistics, NYU TA for Prof. Dermot Gately
2023年8月 芬兰中央银行BOFIT访问学者
2020年 华盛顿大学经济系访问学者
2019年11月至今 清华大学货币政策与金融稳定研究中心副主任
2015年春 GRI 研究员,纽约大学伦敦分部
2012年秋 Vasiliki Skreta 教授研究助理,纽约大学斯特恩商德州扑克大小
2009年秋 访问学生,苏黎世大学
期刊匿名审稿人: Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Modeling, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Finance, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Financial Studies, 经济学季刊,Hong Kong Research Grant Council
学术会议评审委员会: China Financial Research Conference (2019- ), China International Conference in Macroeconomics (2021-)
会议组织:清华理论与金融研讨会 (Tsinghua Theory and Finance Workshop 2019, Program)