2010.8-2016.8 密歇根大学, 经济系, 博士学位
2006.9-2010.6 中央财经大学中国经济管理研究院, 数理经济与数理金融, 学士学位
2016.12至今 德州扑克大小-德州扑克攻略
[1] Inequality and House Prices, 2016.
[2] The Welfare and Distributional Effects of Fiscal Uncertainty: A Quantitative Evaluation, with Rüdiger Bachmann, Jinhui Bai, and Minjoon Lee, 2015.
[3] Diminishing Marginal Utility Revisited, with Miles Kimball, Fumio Ohtake, Daniel Reck, and Y. Tsutsui, 2015.
[4] Trade after Sovereign Default, with Chenyue Hu, 2015.
[1] Return Differentials and Wealth Dynamics, with Romain Rancière.
[2] Housing as a Financial Asset in a Life-cycle Model: Equilibrium Implications, with Dmitriy Stolyarov.
[3] Separating Loss Aversion from Risk Aversion, with Miles Kimball.
[4] Inequality and Cross-country Consumption Risk-sharing.
Instructor, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University
- Advanced Microeconomic Theory (Ph.D. level), Fall 2016
- International Finance (undergraduate level), Fall 2016
Instructor, University of Michigan
- Principles of Macroeconomics (introductory level), Spring 2014
Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan
- Principles of Microeconomics (Introductory level), Winter 2015
- Macroeconomic Theory (Ph.D. level), Fall 2014
- Principles of Macroeconomics (introductory level), Winter 2014
- Game Theory (advanced undergraduate level), Fall2011-Fall 2013
Teaching Assistant, Central University of Finance and Economics
- Advanced Financial Economics (advanced undergraduate level), Winter 2010
- Dynamical System (advanced undergraduate level), Fall 2009
Robert V. Roosa Dissertation Fellowship, University of Michigan 2015-2016
Summer Award, University of Michigan 2015
Rackham Research Grant, University of Michigan 2014
Summer Research Apprenticeship, University of Michigan 2011-2012
Distinguished Doctoral Study Scholarship, China Scholarship Council 2010-2014
National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of P.R. China 2008-2009
2015: CES North America Conference, The IMF Institute for Capacity Development, University of Michigan, Cleveland State University
2016: Tsinghua University (SEM), Tsinghua University (PBC), Peking University (GSM), University of Hong Kong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Antai), GRIPS-KEIO Macroeconomics and Policy Workshop
Fund Internship Program at the IMF, supervised by Romain Rancière Summer 2015
Research Assistant to Miles Kimball 2011-2015
Referee for Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization