

时间: 2021-05-31 13:47 来源: 作者: 字号: 打印

2020年德州扑克大小 教师发表英文期刊论文21篇(6A+, 7A, 2B),发表中文期刊论文24篇(中文核心期刊6篇)。


Li An, Huijun Wang, Jian Wang, Jianfeng Yu, "Lottery-Related Anomalies And Reference-Dependent Preferences", Management Science, Vol.66(1), pp.473-501, 2020.

Zhuo Chen, Zhiguo He, Chun Liu, "The Financing Of Local Government In China: Stimulus Loan Waves And Shadow Banking Waxes", Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.137(1), pp.42-71, 2020.

Grace Xing Hu, "Rollover Risk and Credit Spreads in the Financial Crisis of 2008", The Journal of Finance and Data Science, Vol.6, pp.1-15, 2020.

Jinglin Jiang, Li Liao, Zhengwei Wang, Hongyu Xiang, "Financial Literacy And Retail Investors' Financial Welfare: Evidence From Mutual Fund Investment Outcomes In China", Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Vol.59,101242, 2020.

Jiandong Ju, Justin Yifu Lin, Qing Liu, Kang Shi, "Structural changes and the real exchange rate dynamics", Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.107,pp.102192, 2020.

Emma Li, Li Liao, Zhengwei Wang, Hongyu Xiang, "Venture Capital Certification And Customer Response: Evidence From P2P Lending Platforms", Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol.60, 101533, 2020.

Bibo Liu, Huijun Wang, Jianfeng Yu, and Shen Zhao, "Time-Varying Demand for Lottery: Speculation Ahead of Earning Announcements", Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.138(3), pp.789-817, 2020.

Ying Zou, Zhen Zhao, Sha Shi, Lei Wang, Yunfeng Peng, Yuan Ping, Baocang Wang, "Highly Secure Privacy-Preserving Outsourced k-Means Clustering under Multiple Keys in Cloud Computing ", Security and Communication Networks, Vol.2020, 2020.

Ying Zou, Yanting Chai, Sha Shi, Lei Wang, Yunfeng Peng, Yuan Ping, Baocang Wang, "Improved Cloud-Assisted Privacy-Preserving Profile-Matching Scheme in Mobile Social Networks", Security and communication networks, Vol.2020, 2020.

Jingzhi Huang, Zhan Shi, Hao Zhou, "Specification Analysis Of Structural Credit Risk Models", Review of Finance, Vol.24(1), pp.45–98, 2020.

Renhui Fu, Arthur Kraft, Xuan Tian, Huai Zhang, Luo Zuo, "Financial Reporting Frequency and Corporate Innovation", The Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.63, pp.501-530, 2020.

Onur Bayar, Thomas J. Chemmanur, Xuan Tian, "Peer Monitoring, Syndication, And The Dynamics Of Venture Capital Interactions: Theory And Evidence", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol.55(6), pp.1875-1914, 2020.

Jie He, Xuan Tian, Huan Yang, Luo Zuo, "Asymmetric Cost Behavior and Dividend Policy", Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.58 (4), pp.989-1021, 2020.

Yongxian Tan, Xuan Tian, Xinde Zhang, Hailong Zhao, "The Real Effect of Partial Privatization on Corporate Innovation: Evidence from China's Split Share Structure Reform", Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol.64(3), pp.1-23, 2020.

Jie (Jack) He, Xuan Tian, "Institutions and Innovation: A Review of Recent Literature", Annual Review of Financial Studies, Vol.12, pp.377-398, 2020.

Rui Guo, Wei Sun, Jianqiu Wang, Gang Xiao, "Why Do Retired Workers Claim Their Social Security Benefits So Early? A Potential Explanation Based On The Prospect Theory", Applied Economics, Vol. 52(5), pp.490-505, 2020.

Nicolae Garleanu, Stavros Panageas, Jianfeng Yu, "Impediments To Financial Trade: Theory And Application", Review of Financial Studies, Vol.33 (6), pp.2697-2727, 2020.

Rudiger Bachmann, Jinhui Bai, Minjoon Lee, Fudong Zhang, "The welfare and distributional effects of fiscal volatility: A quantitative evaluation", Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol.38, pp.127-153, 2020.

Ekkehart Boehmer, Charles M. Jones, Xiaoyan Zhang, "Potential Pilot Problems: Treatment Spillovers In Financial Regulatory Experiments", Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.135(1), pp.68-87, 2020.

Ekkehart Boehmer, Charles Jones, Julie Wu, Xiaoyan Zhang, "What Do Short-Sellers Know", Review of Finance, Vol.24 (6), p.1203-1235, 2020.

Deepal Basak, Zhen Zhou, "Diffusing Coordination Risk", American Economic Review, Vol.110(1), pp.271-297, 2020.

Tongtong Hao, Ruiqi Sun, Trevor Tombe, Xiaodong Zhu, "The Impact Of Migration Policy On Growth, Structural Change, And Regional Inequality In China", Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol.113,pp.112-134, 2020.


冯猛, "多产品出口企业, 产品转换和出口学习效应", 国际贸易问题, 2020(09):50-64.

谷军健, 赵玉林, "金融发展如何影响全球价值链分工地位?——基于与科技创新协同的视角", 国际金融研究, 2020(07):35-44.

鞠建东, 余心玎, 卢冰, 李昕, "全球价值链网络中的“三足鼎立”格局分析", 经济学报,  2020,7(04):1-20.

鞠建东, 彭婉, 余心玎, "三足鼎立”的新全球化双层治理体系", 世界经济与政治, 2020(09):123-154+159-160.

鞠建东, 施康, 魏尚进, 黎莉, 聂光宇, "非线性资本流动税:中国资本流动管理与金融危机防范机制", 新金融评论, 2020(01):121-151.

鞠建东, 夏广涛, "三足鼎立:中美贸易摩擦下的国际货币新体系", 国际金融研究, 2020(03):3-12.

朱武祥, 张平, 李鹏飞, 王子阳, "疫情冲击下中小微企业困境与政策效率提升——基于两次全国问卷调查的分析", 管理世界, 2020(04):13-26.

李艺, 王国赛, 杨祖艳, 陈希, 时代, "多方计算在支付行业的应用研究", 中国支付清算研究, 2020(3).

李真,刘颖格,戴祎程, "Libra稳定币对我国货币政策的影响及应对策略", 西安交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2020(03):55-63.

李真袁伟, "美国金融科技最新立法监管动态及对我国的启示", 金融理论与实践, 2020(04):69-76.

廖理, 李梦云, 王正位, "借款人社会资本会降低其贷款违约吗——来自现金贷市场的证据", 中国工业经济, 2020(10):5-23.

马骏, 安国俊, 刘嘉龙, "构建支持绿色技术创新的金融服务体系", 金融理论与实践, 2020(05):1-8.

朱民, 唐朝, 郑重阳, "新冠肺炎疫情下全球经济复苏之路探索——来自意大利的启迪", 上海对外经贸大学学报, 2020,27(04):5-20.

丁娜, 金婧, 田轩, "金融科技与分析师市场", 经济研究, 2020(9):74-89.

田轩, 陈卓, 刘碧波,"“常态化防疫”阶段我国经济现状与机遇科技的应对之策", 中国科学基金, 2020(12):719-727.

王娴, "中小企业的公司治理和监管安排", 多层次资本市场研究, 2020(01):33-57.

王娴,叶宇辰,张思雨, "交易场所监管法规的变迁与股转系统的探索发展", 多层次资本市场研究, 2020(03):27-45.

江婕, 高尚, 王正位, "金融消费者保护对家庭股票投资参与的影响研究", 新金融, 2020(5):55-59.

王正位, 周从意, 廖理, 张伟强, "消费行为在个人信用风险识别中的信息含量研究", 经济研究, 2020,55(01):149-163.

王正位, 李天一, 廖理, 袁伟, 李鹏飞, "疫情冲击下中小微企业的现状及纾困举措——来自企业经营大数据的证据", 数量经济技术经济研究, 2020,37(08):3-23.

白颢睿, 吴辉航, 柯岩, "中国股票市场月频动量效应消失之谜——基于 T+1 制度下隔夜折价现象的研究", 财经研究, 2020,46(04):140-154.

叶彦艺,王云,万谍,杨晓光, "机事不密:股灾年降息降准前的知情交易", 管理科学学报, 2020,23(05):54-75.

张承鹫,吴华强, "不确定性风险对企业投资的影响机制分析———基于金融市场摩擦的间接渠道视角", 南方经济, 2020(10):20-36."

郑重阳, 贺培科, "去工业化、技术差距与产业转移的技术溢出效应", 贵州财经大学学报, 2020(02):1-11.