

时间: 2024-01-10 15:06 来源: 作者: 字号: 打印

2023年德州扑克大小 发表英文期刊论文29篇(3A+、10A、4B),发表中文期刊论文22篇(中文核心期刊9篇)。


Li An, Xin Chen, Jianfeng Yu, Zhengwei Wang. Attention Spillover in Asset Pricing. Journal of Finance, 2023, 78(6), 3515-3559.

Hui Chen, Zhuo Chen, Zhiguo He, Jinyu Liu, Rengming Xie. Pledgeability and Asset Prices: Evidence from Chinese Corporate Bond Markets. Journal of Finance, 2023, 78 (5): 2563-2620.

Chengdong Yin, Xiaoyan Zhang. Risking or De-risking: How Management Fees Affect Hedge Fund Risk-taking Choice. Review of Financial Studies, 2023, 36(3): 904-944.

Jing-Zhi Huang, Bibo Liu, Zhan Shi. Determinants of Short-Term Corporate Yield Spreads: Evidence from the Chinese Commercial Paper Market. Review of Finance, 2023, 27 (2): 539-579.

Guangyu Cao, Chenran Liu, Li-An Zhou. Suing the Government Under Weak Rule of Law: Evidence from Administrative Litigation Reform in China. Journal of Public Economics, 2023, 222(6): 104895.

Clark Liu, Johan Sulaeman, Tao Shu, P. Eric Yeung. Life is Too Short? Bereaved Managers and Investment Decisions. Review of Finance, 2023, 27(4): 1373–1421.

Jingzhi Huang, Zhan Shi. Machine-Learning-Based Return Predictors and the Spanning Controversy in Macro-Finance. Management Science, 2023, 69(3): 1780–1804.

Tong Liu, Yifei Mao, Xuan Tian. The Role of Human Capital: Evidence from Corporate Innovation. Journal of Empirical Finance, 2023, 74:101435.

Xin Chen, Wei He, Libin Tao, Jianfeng Yu. Attention and Underreaction-Related Anomalies. Management Science, 2023, 69 (1): 636-659.

Eric Sims, Jing Cynthia Wu, Ji Zhang. The Four Equation New Keynesian Model. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105(4): 931-947.

Yatang Lin, Yu Qin, Johan Sulaeman, Jubo Yan, Jialiang Zhang. Expanding Footprints: The Impact of Passenger Transportation on Corporate Locations. Review of Finance, 2023, 27(3): 1119-1154.

Wang Bo, Zhen Zhou. Informational Feedback between Voting and Speculative Trading. Games and Economic Behavior, 2023, 138: 387-406.

Ye Jin, Zhen Zhou, Adam Brandenburger. Coordination via Delay: Theory and Experiment. Games and Economic Behavior, 2023, 137: 23-49.

Kai Wang, Tingting Li, Ziyao San, Hao Gao. How Does Corporate ESG Performance Affect Stock Liquidity? Evidence from China. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2023, 80: 102087.

Cody Yu-Ling Hsiao, Tao Jin, Simon Kwok, Xi Wang, Xin Zheng. Entrepreneurial Risk Shocks and Financial Acceleration Asymmetry in a Two-Country DSGE Model. China Economic Review, 2023, 81: 102006.

Tiantian Dai, Shenyi Jiang, Tao Jin, Buyuan Yang. Language and Segregation: Evidence from Housing Markets in the United States. Applied Economics, 2023, 55 (11): 1157-1183.

Xiangqian Huang, Clark Liu, Tao Shu. Factors and Anomalies in the Vietnamese Stock Market. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2023, 82: 102176.

Hui Zhang, Bing Gong. The Optimization of Supply Chain Financing for Bank Green Credit Using Stackelberg Game Theory in Digital Economy Under Internet of Things. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 2023, 35(3).

Qiulian Shen, Tao Jin, Dongwei Zhao, Yuxuan Du. How Can Multinational Enterprises Effectively Implement Local Consumer-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategies? A Multi-Perspective Study on the Differences in CSR Response Mechanisms between Chinese and Japanese Consumers. Sustainability, 2023, 15 (21): 15433.

Bing Lu, Jiandong Ju, Xinding Yu. National Concentration of High-Tech Products: The “Second GreatDivergence?”. China & World Economy, 2023, 31 (1): 88-118.

Edith Hotchkiss, Kose John, Bo Li, Jacopo Ponticelli, Wei Wang. Default and Bankruptcy Resolution in China. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2023, 15 (1): 369-385.

Chaobo Zhoua, Zhengxin Sun, Shaozhou Qi, Yuankun Li, Heyu Gao. Green Credit Guideline and Enterprise Export Green-sophistication. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 336: 117648.

Zhen Yu, Yuankun Li, Jing Zhao. Epidemic Outbreak and Foreign Direct Investment Fluctuation. The World Economy, 2023, 4(46):1051-1081.

Li Liao, Xiumin Martin, Ni Wang, Zhengwei Wang, Jun Yang. What If Borrowers Were Informed about Credit Reporting? Two Natural Field Experiments. The Accounting Review, 2023, 98(3): 397-425.

Clark Liu, Baolian Wang. Do Demand Curves for Stocks Slope Down in the Long Run: Evidence from the Chinese Split-Share Structure Reform. Critical Finance Review, 2023, 12(1).

Zhu Min, Pan Liu, Zheng Chongyang. Constructing a Chinese-Style Zero-Carbon Financial System: Theoretical Considerations and Policy Recommendations. Social Sciences in China, 2023, 44(1):181-204.

Guangyuan Guo, Dongmin Hu, Huanhuan Wang, Ji Zhang. How Minimum Wage Shortens Employment Terms?. China economic quarterly international, 2023, Vol.3 (2): 103-118.

Qian Tian, Anqin Hu, Yuexing Zhang, Yagang Meng. The Impact of Export Tax Rebate Reform on Industrial Exporters’ Soot Emissions: Evidence from China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2023, 2022(10):01-15.

Andrew Ang, Jennie Bai, Hao Zhou. The Great Wall of debt: Real Estate, Political Risk, and Chinese Local Government Financing Cost. The Journal of Finance and Data Science, 2023, 9: 100098.


肖金利, 李佳玲, 高皓, 张鹏东. 研发决策中的管理层学习行为:基于同行股价视角的研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2023, 43(5): 1285–1299.

张光利, 薛慧丽, 高皓. 文本可读性与IPO审核问询的信息效果检验. 金融研究, 2023, 7: 173-192.

连燕玲, 郑伟伟, 高皓. 创新困境下的制造业企业战略响应——基于创新绩效期望落差与响应式搜索行为的研究. 中国工业经济, 2023, 40(8): 174-192.

李善民, 杨楠, 黄志宏. 并购重组前的知情交易行为研究. 金融研究, 2023, 511(1): 169-187.

王正位, 刘宇璠, 廖理. 借款金额选择与还款激励——来自随机试验的证据. 管理科学学报, 2023, 26(04): 20-40.

成程, 田轩, 徐照宜. 供应链金融与企业效率升级——来自上市公司公告与地方政策文件的双重证据. 金融研究, 2023, 516 (6): 132-149 .

刘春蕊, 田轩. 中国高校创新成果转移及对创新的影响——以专利转让为例. 管理科学学报, 2023, 26(9).

王正位, 向虹宇, 朱怡哲, 沈鹏. 慈善捐赠的同伴效应:来自互联网募捐平台的田野实验证据. 保险研究, 2023, 08: 95-111.

王正位, 丁佳敏, 张伟强. 高风险还是高风险厌恶?——基于微观重疾险数据的实证分析. 保险研究, 2023, 01: 84-100.

傅顺, 裴平, 孙杰. 数字金融发展与商业银行信用风险——来自中国37家上市银行的经验证据. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 25(01): 145-155.

傅顺, 王正位, 王宇桐, 江静琳. 数字金融如何影响企业现金持有?. 审计与经济研究, 2023, 38(04): 44-52.

余苏闽, 王凯, 高皓. 上市公司ESG表现如何影响商业信用?. 投资研究, 2023, 42(3): 60-78.

王凯, 吴三林, 高皓, 王辰烨. 空气污染对重污染行业上市公司绿色技术创新的影响研究. 管理学报, 2023, 20(3): 400-410.

王丹, 张慕松, 高皓. 风险投资基金管理者背景特征对基金表现的影响研究. 管理评论, 2023, 35(3): 17-29.

朱民, 巩冰. 2023全球经济:通胀高位新常态. 国际金融研究, 2023, 3: 3-12.

韩绍宸, 巩冰, 时梁, 杨诗琦. 全球金融周期、跨境资本流动与汇率制度选择. 上海经济研究, 2023, 5: 93-106.

黄志宏, 杨若明, 王彩萍, 李善民. 资本市场定价效率对企业创新投入的影响及作用机制研究. 管理学报, 2023, 20(9): 1335-1343.

李炳念, 王小雪, 樊茜. 结构性货币政策与银行系统性风险承担:基于LPR改革实验的证据. 金融评论, 2023, 15(01):103-121+124..

田轩, 丁娜. 金融推进共同富裕的基本逻辑与实践路径. 四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023, 2023(3): 72-80.

锁凌燕, 陈晓宇, 王正位, 吕欣怡. 户籍制度、身份认同和风险承担——基于CHFS数据的分析. 经济科学, 2023, 04: 178-202.

王正位, 张跃星. “双碳”目标背景下绿色金融与电力市场协同发展研究. 新金融, 2023, 02: 31-37.

张健华, 朱诗怡. 替代数据在征信业中的应用与国际经验. 征信, 2023, 2023, (12): 13-19.