Superstar Engineers to Finance Jobs(杰出工程师与金融工作之间的匹配度)
主讲人:Nandini Gupta,印第安纳大学凯莱商德州扑克大小
study the early career choices and subsequent long-run career outcomes of elite
engineers, who have the potential to be transformative entrepreneurs, and whose
skills are in demand across sectors. One such sector is finance, which has
experienced rapid wage growth in recent years, attracting talent from other
industries. Using plausibly exogenous variation in local financial sector growth,
we compare engineering classmates from the same school, major, and graduation
year, who work in different metropolitan areas, and show that elite engineers
from the most selective schools, and those who receive graduation honors, are
more likely to switch to finance in high finance growth areas. Granular
occupation descriptions show that elite engineers are more likely to work in
financial sector occupations that do not require engineering skills. Exploiting
our empirical design, we find that on average elite engineers who switch to
finance in high-finance growth areas are less likely to become innovative
My research is in the areas of corporate
and international finance, with a focus on financial sector reforms, political
economy of finance, and labor and finance. In published papers, I have looked
at the effect of the partial privatization of government-owned firms on the
financial performance of firms, the political economy of the government's
privatization decision, the effect of stock market liberalization on industry
growth, the political economy of the elimination of restrictions on foreign
direct investment, the impact of the banking sector on corporate bankruptcy
outcomes, and, the market value of corruption. Recent work considers the effect
of financial access on self-employment and the effect of financial sector
growth on the allocation of talented workers. I received my Ph.D. in Economics
from the University of Pittsburgh and taught at the University of Michigan
Business School prior to joining the Kelley School of Business at Indiana