主题: Smooth Liquidity Trading, Super Impatient Speculator, and Price
We analyze an infinite-horizon
discrete-time model in which a monopolistic speculator exploits his information
advantages regarding the fundamentals and smooth liquidity trading. This model
can be considered the relative version of the Kyle-model in a stationary
setting. As the trading interval goes to zero, a unique linear, nonfully
revealing limiting equilibrium is obtained, although the speculator becomes
super impatient and trades very quickly. Following a negative persistent
liquidity shock, first the stock price either rises or falls rapidly (similar
to a negative price spike). The speculator initially takes liquidity and
destabilizes the price when price spikes occur.
Ming Guo is an Assistant
Professor of Finance at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF). Prior to
joining SAIF, he was an Assistant Professor of Finance, HSBC School of
Business, Beijing University. He served as a Quantitative Researcher (develop
quantitative trading strategies), Citadel Investment Group, from 2005 to 2007.
Dr. Guo’s research focuses on asset pricing, market microstructure and
empirical finance. He has published in leading ?nance journals, including Review
of Financial Studies, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Economic
Theory, etc. His research has won different awards including Xia Best
Paper Awards, 2010, China International Conference in Finance and GTA Prize for
the excellent paper, China Finance Review International Conference. Dr. Guo
offers the course “Derivative Securities” at SAIF.