

时间: 2015-01-09 14:24 来源: 作者: 字号: 打印

2014年,德州扑克大小 教师与博士后研究员发表期刊论文共计26篇。其中,英文核心期刊论文13篇(5A+,5A,2B);中文期刊论文14篇,包括中文核心期刊论文8篇。


Li Liao, Bibo Liu, Hao Wang, "China's Secondary Privatization: Perspectives from the Split-share Structure Reform," Journal of Financial Economics, vol.113(3), pp.500-518, 2014.

Thomas J. Chemmanur, Elena Loutskina, Xuan Tian, "Corporate Venture Capital, Value Creation, and Innovation," Review of Financial Studies, vol.27(8), pp.2434-2473, 2014.

Vivian W. Fang, Xuan Tian and Sheri Tice, "Does Stock Liquidity Enhance or Impede Firm Innovation," Journal of Finance, vol.69(5), pp.2085–2125, 2014.  

Chunmei Lin, Massimo Massa, Hong Zhang, “Mutual Funds and Information Diffusion: The Role of Country-Level Governance,” Review of Financial Studies, vol.27(11), pp.3343-3387, 2014.

Charles Cao, Lubomir Petrasek, "Liquidity Risk and Institutional Ownership," Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 21, pp.76–97, 2014.

Charles Cao, Lubomir Petrasek, "Liquidity Risk in Stock Returns: An Event-study Perspective," Journal of Banking and Finance,vol.45, pp.72-83, 2014.

Thomas J. Chemmanur, Xuan Tian,"Communicating Private Information to the Equity Market before a Dividend Cut: An Empirical Analysis," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol.49(5-6), pp.1167-1199,2014 

Tim Bollerslev, James Marrone, Lai Xu, Hao Zhou, "Stock Return Predictability and Variance Risk Premia: Statistical Inference and International Evidence," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol.49, No.3, pp633-661, 2014.

Zhiguo He, Si Li, Bin Wei, Jianfeng Yu, "Uncertainty, Risk, and Incentives: Theory and Evidence," Management Science, vol. 60,(1), pp.206-226. 21, 2014.  

Li Liao, Zhisheng Li, Weiqiang Zhang, Ning Zhu, "Exercise To Lose Money? Irrational Exercise Behavior From The Chinese Warrants Market," Journal of Futures Market, vol.34(5), pp.399-419, 2014.

Donghui Li, Li Liao, Yuanhang Lu, Xueyong Zhang, "Firm Headquarters Location, Ownership Structure, and Stock Return Co-Movements," Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol.30, pp.158-172, 2014.

Tian Xia, Zhengwei Wang, Kunpeng Li, "Financial Literacy Overconfidence and Stock Market Participation," Social Indicators Research, vol.119(3), pp.1233-1245, 2014.

Robert Stambaugh, Jianfeng Yu, Yu Yuan, "The Long of It : Odds That Investor Sentiment Spuriously Predict Anomaly Returns", Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.114(3), pp.613–619, 2014.


刘津宇, 王正位, 朱武祥. "产权性质、市场化改革与融资歧视——来自上市公司投资—现金流敏感性的证据". 南开管理评论, 2014, (5): 126-135.

韩璐, 宏伟, 韩立岩. "违约预测的小波结构模型研究". 管理工程学报, 2014, 28(4): 137-145.

连燕玲, 贺小刚, 高皓. "业绩期望差距与企业战略调整——基于中国上市公司的实证研究". 管理世界, 2014年11月.

廖理, 李梦然, 王正位. "中国互联网金融的地域歧视研究". 数量经济技术经济研究, 2014, (5): 54-70.

廖理, 李梦然, 王正位. "聪明的投资者:非完全市场化利率与风险识别——来自P2P网络借贷的证据". 经济研究, 2014, (7): 125-137.

王会娟, 张然, 胡诗阳. "私募股权投资与现金股利政策". 会计研究, 2014, (10): 51-58.

王会娟廖理. "中国P2P网络借贷平台信用认证机制研究". 中国工业经济,2014(4): 136-147.

张学勇, 廖理, 罗远航. "券商背景风险投资与公司IPO抑价——基于信息不对称的视角". 中国工业经济, 2014, (11): 90-101.

吴晓灵, 伍戈. “新怀特计划”还是“新凯恩斯计划”——如何构建稳定与有效的国际货币体系". 探索与争鸣, 2014, (8): 59-62.

李婧. "股权投资综合指数体系设计与资本市场相对力度分析的研究".科技和产业,2014, 14(4):53-59.

王会娟, 魏春燕, 张然. "私募股权投资对被投资企业债务契约的影响" 山西财经大学学报, 2014(9): 24-34.

王会娟. "P2P网络借贷中出借人的投资策略研究". 金融论坛, 2014, (10): 29-36.

王会娟. "借款描述对P2P网络借贷行为的影响研究". 金融理论与实践, 2014, (8): 34-36.

鞠建东余心玎. "全球价值链上的中国角色—基于中国行业上游度和海关数据的研究". 南开经济研究. 2014(03).