

时间: 2016-01-05 08:24 来源: 作者: 字号: 打印

2015年,德州扑克大小 教师与博士后研究员发表期刊论文共计12篇。其中,英文期刊论文5篇(4A+,1A);中文期刊论文6篇,包括中文核心期刊论文5篇。


Jess Cornaggia, Yifei Mao, Xuan Tian, Brian Wolfe, "Does banking competition affect innovation", Journal of Financial Economics, vol.115(1),pp189-209,2015.

Massimo Massa, Wenlan Qian and Weibiao Xu, and Hong Zhang, “Competition of the informed: Does the presence of short sellers affect insider selling?”, Journal of Financial Economics, vol.118: pp268-288,2015

Massimo Massa, Bohui Zhang, and Hong Zhang,“The Invisible Hand of Short Selling: Does Short-Selling Discipline Earnings Management?”, Review of Financial Studies, vol.28: pp1701-1736,2015.

Tim Bollerslev, Lai Xu and Hao Zhou, “Stock Return and Cash Flow Predictability: the Role of Volatility Risk”, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 187, pp458-471, 2015.

Yichen Gao, Wei Long, Zhengwei Wang. "Estimating average treatment effect by model averaging", Economics Letters, vol.135: pp42–45.2015.

Robert Stambaugh, Jianfeng Yu, Yu Yuan, "Arbitrage Asymmetry And The Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle", Journal of Finance, Vol.70(5), pp.1903-1948, 2015. 


廖理,吉霖,张伟强 . "借贷市场能准确识别学历的价值吗?——来自P2P平台的经验证据", 金融研究, 2015 (03): 147 -159.

廖理,吉霖,张伟强. "语言可信吗?借贷市场上语言的作用——来自P2P平台的证据", 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015(04): 413-421.

廖理,李梦然,王正位贺裴菲. "观察中学习:P2P网络投资中信息传递与羊群行为", 清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2015(01):156-165.

窦欢, 王会娟. "私募股权投资与分析师新股关注",会计研究, 2015(2): 44-50.

王会娟, 何琳. "借款描述对P2P网络借贷行为影响的实证研究",金融经济学研究,2015(1): 77-85.

李鹏飞, 魏炜, 朱武祥, 王正位. "银行竞争性“催贷压贷”行为与联保贷款违约扩散" 经济学报. 2015(04):130-149.